Deleting completely and generating a new. Even going back into yWriter and removing the information still produces the same error. Adding information in yWriter like in the Description field for a Scene causes Timeline to choke (see image).yw7 file to a timeline, it also says "Overwrite existing.?" though it's going to synchronize, but will be potentially lossy at that (e.g., even if you had gone Timeline -> yWriter and then wanted to update your Timeline, the replacement would lose any time periods that may have existed- possibly other stuff). Going the reverse direction, processing a.Perhaps a blurb/warning about what will be synchronized and what won't and what may be lost? yw7 file exists, even though it is actually going to synchronize, not overwrite (lossless-ish). timeline file, the warning is "Overwrite existing.?" if the. I would hate for people to get a nasty surprise. ?" prompts don't quite reflect what's going to happen. My fundamental issue with Aeon is that, when I look at the screen for a given time, I don't instantly know what's overlapping or happening simultaneously, largely because they elected to format everything in waterfall and, frankly, if I wanted a Gantt Chart, I'd use MS Project- which has far better facilities for ordering, scheduling, etc., but is impractical in this case (you still wind up with a Gantt). Like bibisco's date picker? Who in the world thought that was a good idea? Is those frustrations that make me hate something that is otherwise good. Why I hate it is why I wind up hating lots of applications- it's the easy design mistakes, and all the near-misses.

It has some excellent features but its presentation isn't what I need- it's horribly uneconomical with space, and gives almost zero control over presentation (e.g., how to layout the timeline, what info to show with each item on the timeline, etc.). Funny, enough, I just spent about six hours with Aeon Timeline and- I almost want to say "I hate it".